Church In Bethesda

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Day 185, Morning

Today’s morning meditation is available below in audio and script formats. The audio version is also available for free download on the player.

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Thursday Morning, July 4, 2019 Meditations For The Metro


The Sufis tell a story of the Holy One who said to his disciples, “What’s better, do you think? Is it contemplation, or is it action?” They said, “Why, Holy One, it’s action, of course. What good is contemplation in a suffering world?” And the Sufi said, “Ah, yes, but what good is action that proceeds from an unenlightened heart?” (CAC)


The danger in the contemplative life is that it may become only one half of the spiritual life. Contemplation is not for its own sake. The contemplative life is not spiritual escapism.

Contemplation is immersion in the God who created this world for all of us. And the mystics of every major religion remind us of that.

God is not contained in any one people, in any one kind of place, or in any one tradition. God wills the care of the poor as well as the reward of the rich. God wills the end of oppressors who stand with the heel on the neck of the weak. God wills the liberation, dignity, and full development of all. God takes the side of the defenseless. And, thus, therefore, must the true contemplative, otherwise that contemplation is not real. The true contemplative, the truly spiritual person, then, must do justice, speak justice, insist on justice.

—Sister Joan Chittister


As your day begins, spend a few moments in silence and stillness.


Mighty God, remind me today that faith is a verb. I don’t want a coffee-table faith that’s mostly display, a Sunday-only faith that’s limited piety, or a bookish faith that only lives in my head. Give me a faith that lives and breathes and walks out the door into everyday life, carrying with it joy, peace, and love for all. Amen. (WC)

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