Day 205, Evening
Today’s evening meditation is available below in audio and script formats. The audio version is also available for free download on the player.
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Wednesday Evening, July 24, 2019
“It is obvious that proof of the existence of God is quite impossible. A simple reason for this is the fact that, if there is that to which God may be finally reduced, then He is not ultimate.”
—Howard Thurman
As your day draws to a close, spend a few moments in silence and stillness. Spend a few moments in awe and bewilderment in the Mystery that is God.
The human spirit has two fundamental demands that must be met relative to God. First, He must be vast, limitless, transcendent, all-comprehensive, so that there is no thing that is outside the wide reaches of His apprehension. The stars in the universe, the great galaxies of spatial groupings moving in endless rhythmic patterns in the trackless skies, as well as the tiny blade of grass by the roadside, are all within His grasp.
The second demand is that He be personal and intimate. A man must have a sense of being cared for, of not being alone and stranded in the universe. All of us want the assurance of not being deserted by life nor deserted in life. Faith teaches us that God is—that He is the fact of life from which all other things take their meaning and reality. (CAC)
God is. God is. God is.
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