Day 255, Morning
Today’s morning meditation is available below in audio and script formats. The audio version is also available for free download on the player.
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Thursday Morning, September 12, 2019
To make light is to make shadow; one cannot exist without the other.
—Robert Johnson
To own one’s own shadow is to reach a holy place—an inner center—not attainable in any other way. Any repair of our fractured world must start with individuals who have the insight and courage to own their own shadow.
The tendency to see one’s shadow “out there” in one’s neighbor or in another race or culture is the most dangerous aspect of the modern psyche. We all decry war but collectively we move toward it. It is not the monsters of the world who make such chaos but the collective shadow to which every one of us has contributed.
God grant that evolution may proceed quickly enough for each of us to pick up our own dark side, combine it with our hard-earned light, and make something better of it all than the opposition of the two. (CAC)
As your day begins, spend a few moments in silence and stillness.
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