Day 276, Evening
Today’s evening meditation is available below in audio and script formats. The audio version is also available for free download on the player.
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Thursday Evening, October 3, 2019
Love makes everything that is heavy light.
—Thomas à Kempis
It is love that teaches us our real stature and reveals the heroism we never thought we possessed. The renunciation that might be well-nigh impossible in a vacuum can be blessedly simple when someone we love stands to gain. Turning down a second glass of wine might take some doing in ordinary circumstances, for example; but when you’re in the company of an impressionable teenager, you’ll gladly set it aside.
Suppose you’re tempted to add to your collection of antique fire screens: hard to resist, maybe, if your aim is solely to reduce your own acquisitiveness. But if the money you save can be spent on a tent for family camping trips, it can be a breeze. You feel so good inside! A knack for quiet self-sacrifice is the very life and soul of friendship. Reducing self-will needn’t be a joyless deprivation – it can be so many little acts of love, performed over and over throughout the day. (WLB)
As your day draws to a close, spend a few moments in silence and stillness.
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