Church In Bethesda

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Day 280, Evening

Today’s evening meditation is available below in audio and script formats. The audio version is also available for free download on the player.

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Monday Evening, October 7, 2019 Meditations For The Metro


No, brothers and sisters, I was not afraid to meet with the wolf. Not since I had experienced the fact that my God is the wolf’s God too.

—Saint Francis of Assisi


This is the miracle of love: to discover that all creation is one, flung out into space by a God who is a Father, and that if you present yourself as [God] does, unarmed and peaceably, creation will recognize and meet you with a smile.

This is the principle of nonviolence, and I want to recommend it to you with all the enthusiasm I can command. If human beings go to war, it is because they fear someone. Remove the fear, and you re-establish trust, and will have peace. Nonviolence means destroying fear.

Just think what would happen if one day you became nonviolent, and took the huge sums of money you spend on defending yourselves against fear and used them to help the people of whom you are now afraid.

You will know peace then.



As your day draws to a close, spend a few moments in silence and stillness.

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