Day 311, Morning
Today’s morning meditation is available below in audio and script formats. The audio version is also available for free download on the player.
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Thursday Morning, November 7, 2019
The most profound insight in the history of humankind is that we should seek to live in accord with reality.
—Loyal Rue
Just as Augustine reinterpreted Christianity in light of Plato in the 4th century, and Aquinas integrated Aristotle in the 13th, today there are dozens of theologians across the spectrum re-envisioning the Christian faith. Whose ideas are they integrating now? Darwin, Einstein, Hubble, Wilson and all those who have corrected, and continually contribute to an evidence-based understanding of biological, cosmic, and cultural evolution.
Few things are more important than how we think about our inner and outer nature and our mortality. Thus far, the Evidential Reformation has been centered in science. Now is the time for our faith traditions to honor evidential revelation—facts as God’s native tongue—and carry on the vital tasks of interpretation, integration, and action.
Ours is the prodigal species. Having squandered our inheritance, we are waking up to our painful predicament. Thankfully God—Reality personified—awaits us with open arms and a welcoming heart. (CAC)
As your day begins, spend a few moments in silence and stillness.
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