Day 317, Morning
Today’s morning meditation is available below in audio and script formats. The audio version is also available for free download on the player.
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Wednesday Morning, November 13, 2019
When you were a child, you knew yourself to be cocreator of the universe. But little by little you forgot who you were.
—Mirabai Starr
As your day begins, spend a few moments in silence and stillness.
Creativity has a habit of defying good sense. I am not arguing, however, that the intellect has no place in the creative enterprise. The most intelligent people I know are artists and musicians. Their finely tuned minds are always grappling with some creative conundrum.
What a creative life demands is that we take risks. They may be calculated risks; they may yield entrepreneurial fruits, or they may simply enrich our own lives. Creative risk taking might not turn our life upside down but, rather, might right the drifting ship of our soul. When we make ourselves available for the inflow of spirit, we accept not only her generative power but also her ability to overcome whatever stands in the way of our full aliveness. (CAC)
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