Image by Will Eisner
The world feels scary for many of us right now. In the face of uncertainty and crisis, action makes us feel strong and clear, and community helps us feel held and connected. As we remain in our homes, practicing responsible social distancing, we can still care for one another. The Good Neighbor Network is a small effort to help this happen.
Image by Will Eisner
Do you have time to mow someone’s lawn? Would you pick up prescriptions for an elderly neighbor? Do you have resources that can help someone pay a bill? Are you in need of baby formula, a tablet to keep a child busy, craft supplies to keep from going stir crazy? We’re trying to connect our small corner of Bethesda, and we’d love for you to join us.
Image by Wu Shengwen
We need to gather some basic information from you to connect you with others who have offers to help and/or need your help.
Subscribe to GNN’s regular e-updates so that we can keep you aware of all that is going in on our neighborhood, especially new opportunities to help. You are free to subscribe to other updates from Church In Bethesda if you wish.
Spread the word electronically by sharing our memes and chatting up our efforts up online using the hashtag #GNNBethesda.
Our efforts are connecting people and bringing our neighborhood together, but we need resources to do this work well. Would you consider supporting us with a one-time or recurring donation?
I’m glad I stuck my head outside my door and asked. I think one of the most important things we can do right now while social distancing is to ask the question, “Hey, what do you need?”
Jarred and Bethany share about creating a simple way to care for their neighbors with proper social distancing standards, transforming an old forgotten cabinet into a neighborhood pantry.