CiB Groups
Gathering in smaller groups is vital to life of our community because we believe that God is best realized in the context of relationships.
All are welcome to be a part of our groups whether you go to our church, another church, or no church at all.
See a listing of the groups that we offer below. If you’re interested in joining one or are just looking for more information about it you can contact the group facilitator by using the RSVP links.
Group Type: Social
Sacred Suppers
These dinner-style groups help us to stay connected to what matters most as our church grows — one another.
Group Type: Social
30 Plus
30 Plus is a gathering of singles and couples, thirty and up where new friendships can be formed and strengthened.
Group Type: Discussion
Thursday Theology
Join us on Thursday evenings to discuss anything that comes to mind from the previous Sunday's sermon and to ask questions.
Group Type: Discussion
20s & 30s Discussion
Millennials, join us on Friday evenings at CiB for a discussion about faith, life, culture, and anything else.