Day 274, Evening
Today’s evening meditation is available below in audio and script formats. The audio version is also available for free download on the player.
Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Poets like to write about love, popular singers like to glorify love, but nobody bothers to sing the praises of patience. I once heard of a man who prayed to God, “Give me patience, O Lord, and give it to me now!” That man was not born with a patient nature. Most of us aren’t – but we can develop it through practice.
You will find opportunities every day if you look for them. In a situation where there is a lot of friction, where people differ from you and aren’t shy about letting you know it, don’t run away. Move closer to them. You may have to grit your teeth; you may have to bite your lip to keep from giving vent to a harsh retort. And then, of course, you need to smile too, which doesn’t come easily with your lip between your teeth. It is a demanding art to do this gracefully. But it is an art that can be learned. (WLB)
As your day draws to a close, spend a few moments in silence and stillness.
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