Our current plans
UPDATED 4/1/2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we we want to be thoughtful and proactive— your safety and wellness being our highest priority. We have made the following changes to our weekly programming until further notice.
Our Campus
• Our campus is closed but our pastors and staff are still working. If you need to speak with us, please email us.
• Church in Bethesda has cancelled our 9 and 11 AM services for this coming Sunday. Instead, join us on our Live Page or on our Facebook page at 11 AM for a live stream of our worship with music, prayers, the sermon, and (digital) fellowship. If you are subscribed to our weekly enewsletter, we will also send you an email with a link to the live stream at 10:55 AM on Sunday morning.
Our Schools
• Bethesda Cooperative Nursery School and The Bethesda International School are closed, following the Montgomery County Public School protocols.
Getting Assistance
• Bethesda Cares will continue to provide free lunches for those in need, but for "take out" only. Lunches are distributed at the back entrance of the church (by the playground) at 12:30 PM, Monday through Friday.
• We have launched a mutual aid network called, “Good Neighbor Network” that will connect people with different needs in our neighborhood with those who are able to help. Learn more about GNN here.
• Our counseling center is offering counseling online for couples. If you'd like to schedule a session, please email one of our counselors so that they can send you a Zoom link and materials for your session.
• If you need to speak to a pastor or staff member, please email us.
• Though our campus is closed our efforts continue. If you are currently supporting CiB financially, we still need your support during this time. You can give your offering online here or send a check in the mail to our offices (5033 Wilson Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814). Thank you for your continued generosity.
First time here? We’d love to get to know you better on on of our live Sunday broadcasts.
Ask Anything
Got a question for us that isn’t answered here? Feel free to ask us anything.